705 ONLY Zoom Video Conference
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
To Join Zoom Meeting Click link below OR respond to the email invite
Meeting ID: 683 559 4195
Summarizing Text
704 ELA. Wed 3/25/2020
704 ONLY Zoom Video Conference
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
To Join Zoom Meeting Click link below OR respond to the email invite
Meeting ID: 683 559 4195
Summarizing Text
Lesson Purpose/Why are we doing this...
As readers/writers you must know how to:
- Provide a summary that is fact based with accurate details to support the informations provided (objective)
- Identify the central idea/theme of the text (understand what it’s mostly about/message or lesson)
- Summaries do not include an opinions or beliefs (subjective)
- Includes when ever possible: names, dates, places, time periods (ie. Civil Rights Movement) and data (i.e. the levels rose 50% or the highest speed was 237.2 miles per hour)
Academic Vocabulary
Iqbal Chapter 9 pp 67-74
Decrepit (adj) (p 67): Old and out of shape; broken down. The rusted decrepit bicycle was in such bad condition it could not be repaired.
Enormous (adj) (p 68): very large in size, quantity or extent. The orca whale one of the most enormous mammal in the world.
Wares (n) (p 68) a form of clothing or product. The sellers at the flea market has plenty of wares to choose from.
Stalls (n) (p 68) a stand or booth at a market where merchandise/goods are sold. When we went to the flea markets there were an enormous amount of stalls where the vendors sold the same items.
Muttons (n) (p 69) mature sheep used as food. The mutton was sold at the market as the family could use it as food for the feast.
RL HW #1:
Reading of Iqbal Chapter 9/Summarize
Directions: Copy and paste the link below into a new browser. Once copied into the browser, press enter. A form with the instructions, task and audio reading will be ready for you to to complete and submit
This HW assignment is on PupilPath and sent via email invitation.
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