Monday, April 6, 2020

A.Tyson Strategic Reading Lighsail-Good morning Classes 706 and 707. No Zoom until further notice. However, Please continue to log into blogspot and pupilpath for  the day's instruction. Today is strategic reading. Log into lightsail read for 30 minutes, then complete the vocabulary and short response where assigned.
If you cannot get into lightsail

For those of you reading an independent book, read for 30 minutes. Answer the following short response question for today:

How does the structure of the text contribute to its meaning? Cite two details from the text.

Writing Prompt: choose only one of these for the independent book you are reading.
The structure of the text is...............................This allows the author to show the reader how one event makes other events happen.

The structure of the text is .............................. because the author describes the problem in great detail.

The text structure the author uses is .............................he presents the events in order as they happen.

This text structure is........................................The author compares...........with..............

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