Tuesday, April 14, 2020

***** Ms. Wright 04/14/2020 - Classes 706 and 707*****

Good Morning,

Please be reminded to send in your exit ticket everyday for your daily virtual tours to your homeroom teacher. If you haven't done so already , retrieve your student account information by following these steps:

      A.    To retrieve your account ID and password:
1.     Go to Student Account Self Service(Open external link)  If that does work copy and paste the following URL https://idm.nycenet.edu/students/vusr-submit.form and place in your search engine
2.     Enter your 9-digit Student ID (OSIS) number. (You can find your Student ID number on a report card, your student ID card, or in your NYCSA account.)
3.     Enter your birthday.
4.     Click Continue.
5.     If the information you enter matches your student record, your username will be displayed. Your username CAN NOT be changed.
6.     Your student ID is your username followed by @nycstudents.net. For example, if your username is JaneD, your student account ID is JaneD@nycstudents.net.
7.     If you haven't already set up a password, you will be asked to set one up.
8.     Pick a password that only you will know.
9.     Re-enter your password.
10.  Click Update Password.

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