Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Pandemics: Due date 5/22/20

Task 1: Define the vocabulary words below

·        Mutation

·        Boll Weevil

·        Penicillin

·        Sulfur

·        Common grave

·        Mass grave

·        Reservoir

·        Propaganda

·        Quarantine

·        Social distancing

·        Woodrow Wilson

·        Political Machine

·        Herd Community

·        “Flatten the curve”

Task 2: Watch the seven videos below (You must go to YouTube, write the title in the YouTube search section, and then press enter to view the videos)

·        History of the 1918 Flu Pandemic in 7 minutes (7:22)

·        Yakima woman remembers Spanish flu of 1918 compares outbreak to corona virus

·        1918 influenza survivor interview: Mrs. Edna Boone in interview 2008 (11:01)

·        1918 Flu vs. Covid 19 (5:33)

·        How the corona virus compares to the Spanish Flu: The New York (8:44)

·        A pandemic and a parade: What 1918 tells us about flattening the curve (3:04)

·        Coronavirus outbreak: The parallels between Covid 19 and the Spanish Flu Pandemic (3:26)

Task 3: Answer the questions below, use clips (time stamps) from the videos to support your responses and POQ in your answers.

·         Determine how the videos are similar and different from each other. (Compare and contrast)

·        What are some common themes that you noticed throughout each video?

·        How would you assist your neighbors or family members during this pandemic if you could?

·        During the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 did Mrs. Boome’s family have enough resources to help their neighbors as well as themselves. If they did not have enough resources what do you believe motivated Mrs. Boome’s family to assist people in need?

Remember to keep all your work together and the colonization assignment was due 5/15/20